Formulario de suscripción Mobile RevenuCondiciones Generales de usoLanet EOOD, is an Internet multimedia server centre, providing online services for adults and has developed, through its affiliation platform MOBILE REVENU (, an original partnership concept with websites operators (Partners), intended to promote its activities. The head office of the Lanet EOOD society is registered in the Registry of Commerce of Bulgaria under registration number 203609282 , having its headquarters in Bulgaria, 81 Tzar Samuil Str - 1000 Sofia - Bulgaria. Hereinafter, the term "MOBILE REVENU" will jointly designate Lanet EOOD society and its affiliate platform. THE PARTNER publishes an Internet site which handles traffic intended for adults and wishing to promote the MOBILE REVENU sites on its own site by means of promotional tools (such as links and advertising banners, graphics, or other tools) made available by MOBILE REVENU. THIS BEING STATED, THE PARTIES HAVE AGREED ON THE FOLLOWING : ARTICLE 1 - OBJECT : The present General Terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "Terms of Use") are designed to expand and clarify the conditions in which the PARTNER is committed to MOBILE REVENU in the promotion of MOBILE REVENU sites on its own site by means of promotional tools made available by MOBILE REVENU. They therefore constitute a contract between MOBILE REVENU and the PARTNER. ARTICLE 2 - OBLIGATIONS OF MOBILE REVENU : 2.1. MOBILE REVENU agrees to make available to the PARTNER the promotional tools allowing to the PARTNER to promote its own sites. 2.2. MOBILE REVENU undertakes to remunerate the Partner at the rates indicated in Article 4, as well as all applicable taxes. 2.3. MOBILE REVENU undertakes to provide the Partner access to the connection hours generated by its sites and various sales in the form of on-line statistics. In addition to the services provided in this Article, the Parties may conclude agreements stipulating additional services. In the event that such agreements were concluded, the additional services they stipulate will be governed by this contract and its possible appendices. 2.4. MOBILE REVENU undertakes to implement all the means necessary for the proper functioning of its services. However, keeping into account the nature of the Internet, MOBILE REVENU cannot guarantee operational services 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. MOBILE REVENU further reserves maintenance periods, or refreshes of technical interventions, likely to result in a cut of access to its platform and the on-line statistics area. In all cases referred to in this article, the malfunctions or unavailability resulting could not be deducted as periods in which MOBILE REVENU is not fulfilling its obligations, and no compensation will be paid to the PARTNER any damage suffered by him or by third parties as a result of these malfunctions or unavailability. ARTICLE 3 - PARTNER'S OBLIGATIONS : 3.1. The partnership agreement can be signed only by an adult partner, having at least 18 years old and/or the age of majority or become an adult in accordance with the national law applicable in his/her place of residency and/or place in which the Agreement is performed. Accordingly, by checking the box designating the sentence "I certify to be major and have read and accepted the terms of use of MOBILE REVENU", at the validation of its registration form (form available at the following link:, the PARTNER recognizes be major and be validly bound by its electronic signature. 3.2. The PARTNER alone is responsible for the contents of the Web site and for the damages which may result from the use or display thereof. 3.3. THE PARTNER denies himself any type of spam (email, newsgroups) in order to generate the turnover. 3.4. The PARTNER undertakes to handle, under its sole responsibility, the creation, development, contents, updating and any modifications concerning the Partner's site. 3.5. The PARTNER undertakes to respect the Net Etiquette when promoting MOBILE REVENU's services. Any failure to meet this commitment will incur the immediate termination of this contract, without compensation. 3.6. The PARTNER undertakes not to mislead the end user concerning the price of the MOBILE REVENU's services. Any failure to meet this commitment will incur the immediate termination of this contract. 3.7. The PARTNER undertakes to promote MOBILE REVENU's services on sites whose content is according to the Belgian law. 3.8. The PARTNER declares and guarantees to MOBILE REVENU that will proceed at his own expense and under its sole responsibility for all administrative procedures as may lie under the exercise of its activity (including tax and social services), so that the responsibility of MOBILE REVENU is in no way committed. ARTICLE 4 - REMUNERATION : 4.1. MOBILE REVENU will transfer the PARTNER a percentage of the turnover generated by the latter sales depending on the table that is present on the on-line statistics area made available by the company. (This table may be changed at any moment without prior notification on the part of MOBILE REVENU). 4.2. MOBILE REVENU undertakes to provide the PARTNER access to the connection hours and various sales in the form of on-line statistics. 4.3. The PARTNER is entitled to performance premiums amounting to a 10% commission on all kit sales, generated by the new Partners hired by the PARTNER if it respects each and all of the conditions linked with the granting of said premiums (conditions detailed in the FAQ MOBILE REVENU in the on-line statistics area). In such a case, these performance premiums are considered as an integral part of the services price. 4.4. If the percentage of any tax which applies is modified, or if a new tax is added during the performance of the contract, the entire amount of such new percentages or tax applies and the total payable commission will be adjusted accordingly.
4.5. Payment terms & conditions. The payment of the portion owed to the PARTNER will be made by transfer under the following conditions: ARTICLE 5 - ACCEPTANCE CLAUSE Lanet EOOD and the Belgian company "Internet Entertainment and Publishing Sprl" ("IEAP"), Rue Jourdan 41, B-1060 Brussels, BCE 0873.801.536, signed on 31 July 2018 an agreement subject to the Bulgarian law (the "Convention"). ") according to which IEAP has transferred to Lanet EOOD its commitments (the" Transfer ") as the services provided by webmasters that IEAP used in the course of its past but not yet invoiced activities, including your engagement ( collectively the "IEAP Debts" and your individual commitment the "IEAP Debt"). By approving this document electronically, you expressly acknowledge and agree, in accordance with this section, on the transfer to EOOD Lanet of the IEAP Debt from the date of this acceptance. You hereby declare that you agree to charge the IEAP Debt directly to Lanet EOOD, to totally and unconditionally discharge IEAP from the IEAP Debt and to to waive all claims against IEAP to directly or indirectly recover the IEAP Debt. ARTICLE 6 - THE CONTENT OF THE PARTNER'S SITE : 6.1. The PARTNER declares and guarantees that the material, services and any other contents accessible on the Partner's site are not offered in violation of the intellectual property rights of any third party whomsoever. The PARTNER declares and guarantees, furthermore, that the material, services and any other contents are not, and cannot be considered as contrary to any legal, regulatory provision or any other directive issued by a public authority, and could not be considered as shocking for a public not accustomed. 6.2. MOBILE REVENU may validly suspend, without further notice, and/or terminate this contract immediately, if the material, services or any other contents accessible on the Partner's site did not meet the conditions of this clause. Furthermore, MOBILE REVENU is entitled to terminate this contract, without notice, if the initial object of the contents of the Partner's site is modified substantially, without his approval. ARTICLE 7 - SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY : 7.1. The PARTNER is responsible for any loss or unauthorized access to the Partner's data available on its own system. 7.2. The PARTNER is responsible for keeping all documents and instructions communicated by MOBILE REVENU, in accordance with this contract, and beyond the reach of unauthorized persons. 7.3. THE partner agrees to keep strictly confidential all information and / or personal data relating to the partnership agreement and its possible subsequent amendments. ARTICLE 8 - RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PARTIES : As the parties are independent contractors, this agreement is binding upon them only for the purposes mentioned herein. Consequently, the provisions of this contract cannot be interpreted as creating any association or company between the parties, or as entrusting any mandate whatsoever to one of them. Moreover, neither of the parties may bind the other in any manner whatsoever, otherwise than in compliance with the provisions of this agreement. ARTICLE 9 - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS : All intellectual property rights and all technical solutions pertaining to the use of the graphic elements provided by MOBILE REVENU or any other right and solution offered by MOBILE REVENU in accordance with this agreement are the property of MOBILE REVENU and shall not be the object of any use not stipulated in the agreement. Except express and prior agreement of MOBILE REVENU, any changes made by the PARTNER on the codes and/ or promotional tools provided by MOBILE REVENU is strictly prohibited. Any breach of this obligation shall be liable to immediate rupture of this contract. ARTICLE 10 - DURATION OF THE CONTRACT : The Contract is being concluded for an initial term of one year with effect from the day it is electronically signed. At the end of this initial term, it will be renewed by tacit agreement for one year unless a registered letter is sent at least two months prior to the expiry of the contract. ARTICLE 11 - AMENDMENT OF THE GENERAL TERMS OF USE : 11.1. MOBILE REVENU reserves the right to modify at any time the present Terms of Use. 11.2. The changed Terms of Use will enter into force as soon as they are posted by MOBILE REVENU and will prevail over any printed version of earlier date. These Terms of Use will be brought to the knowledge of the PARTNER by notice posted on statistics area homepage, to i) refer to the latest version of the General Terms of Use permanently at the following address:, and ii) to accept them by checking in the box designated for this purpose. In case of disagreement with the modified version of the Terms of Use, the PARTNER will have to unsubscribe by following the instructions posted on the statistics area homepage. ARTICLE 12 - EARLY TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT : 12.1 In the event that one of the Parties fails to respect any of the obligations incumbent upon it hereunder, this agreement may be terminated forthwith at the request of the other party, fifteen days following formal notice to do or not to do, by registered letter with return receipt which has remained without effect. 12.2. The end of this agreement does not cause either party to lose a right nor does it release it from an obligation, in particular with respect to the confidentiality, intellectual property, limitation of the guarantee and limitation of liability. The said rights and obligations continue to exist after the end of this agreement. ARTICLE 13 - EVIDENCE, CONSERVATION AND ARCHIVING : 13.1. The fact that the PARTNER has checked the box designating the sentence "I certify be major (e) and have read and accepted the Terms of Use of MOBILE REVENU", when validate its registration form, is acceptance of the present Terms of Use and constitutes an electronic signature which has, between the parties, the same value as a handwritten signature. This would be the same for acceptance of the modified Terms of Use (See Article 10 above). 13.2. The computerized records stored in the computer systems of MOBILE REVENU in reasonable conditions of safety, will be considered as proof of communication between the PARTNER and MOBILE REVENU. 13.3. The archiving of the present Terms of Use accepted by PARTNER under the conditions laid down in Article 10.2. above, is performed on a reliable and sustainable manner to correspond to a faithful and lasting copy. In case of conflict between the MOBILE REVENU's computerized records and any PARTNER's document on a written support or electronic record, it is expressly agreed that the MOBILE REVENU's computerized records prevail over PARTNER's documents and shall be the only admitted as evidence. ARTICLE 14 - MISCELLANEOUS : 14.1. Force majeure. Neither of the parties will be considered as being in default hereunder, if the execution of its obligations is entirely or partially delayed or impeded due to force majeure. Force majeure is an outside, unforeseeable, irresistible event making the execution of an obligation absolutely impossible. 14.2. MOBILE REVENU reserves the right to grant, transfer or assign to a third party, under any form, the rights and obligations arising from the present contract. 14.3. For any litigation that may arise between the Parties concerning the drafting, execution or interpretation of this agreement only the Commercial Court of Sofia will have jurisdiction. |